Welcome to the 2021 DSC-WAV Faculty Development Summer Workshop!

We will update this page as needed through the end of the workshop.

Last updated June 17, 2021

Pre-workshop materials

Our goal was for everyone to have logged into the two cloud-based servers that we’ve provided, and run some analyses so that we can jump in on day one. We succeeded! Please be sure to bring your login information for these servers (see the links at the top of this page to the RStudio and JupyterHub servers, respectively).

We also encouraged you to read selected chapters from Modern Data Science with R. Other chapters may be useful depending on your needs and interest.

Finally, we are asking everyone to introduce themselves on Slack at some point prior to the workshop.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or run into any problems.

-Ben, Ethan, and Nick

R startup

Python startup
