from Associate’s to Bachelor’s Programs
Benjamin S. Baumer (with Nicholas J. Horton)
Data and AI Meeting of RI Regional Academic Institutions
September 16, 2022
building data science programs at community colleges
constructing transfer pathways
“the keystone for the nation’s plan to help more people earn a postsecondary credential.”
–Blumenstyk (2021)
Mapped A2B pathways for data science
In order for data science transfer pathways to work, community colleges must offer a first course in data science.
“To prepare their graduates for this new data-driven era, academic institutions should encourage the development of a basic understanding of data science in all undergraduates.”
–NASEM (2018)
BHCC CIT-137 Intro BigData w/R & RStudio
Michael Harris
Nic Schwab
subject of FacDev22 Workshop
safe prediction: more on the way…
UMass-Dartmouth DSC 101
Donghui Yan
UMass-Dartmouth Curriculum Flowchart
Westfield CAIS 0105
UMass-Amherst INFO 248
safe prediction: more on the way…
Cultivating a rich facility in data science requires repeated exposure: a single course is not sufficient for students to develop mastery.
A generic bachelor’s program in data science will include explicit instruction in how to advance science by computing with data in a reproducible, collaborative workflow.
Many of the existing STEM transfer options require two semesters of lab sciences as a component of their general education requirements.
Bachelor’s programs in data science include training in communication and ethics (what responsibilities to data scientists have to their users, customers, and society as a whole?, see Baumer et al, 2022).